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Equipment Serviced


NBS conducts successful boiler equipment installations, repairs, and upgrades to meet your toughest cost and efficiency standards. With more than 900,000 project hours logged annually, we provide expert boiler component and equipment field services aimed at significantly reducing boiler inefficiencies and costly downtime.

Consistent results, outage after outage

Our state-of-the-art data collection system delivers consistent results, every time.

Maintain optimal temperature ranges

Rely on our field experience when upgrading or replacing superheaters.

Optimizing fuel burning systems

We retrofit and upgrade existing boiler burners for efficient boiler combustion.

Code certified service

We're authorized by ASME, NBIC, and NB to perform pressure vessel repair and installation.

Reduce fuel requirements and operating costs

We improve boiler performance with the latest in platen-designed economizers.

Expert panel replacement

We carefully consider rigging access, fabrication, and weld positioning during panel replacement.

Solving the toughest boiler challenges

We service tubular and regenerative air heaters for maximum thermal efficiency.

Full-service piping solutions

As a turnkey boiler piping contractor, we offer expert installation and cleaning services.



National Boiler Service offers generating bank installations that deliver consistent results, outage after outage

Consistency comes down to our people - experienced, qualified, and well-trained personnel that can successfully remove and replace your generating bank and all essential components.


We employ a state-of-the-art Generating Bank Data Collection System (Gen Bank DCS) that reduces manual entry time and electronically captures and processes accurate measurements of the drums, tube thickness, and completed roll percentages.


Our Process

At NBS, we specialize in executing a dedicated preplanning and data collection process before we service your generating bank - from constructability and modularization to the electronic mapping of the entire generator bank for the rolling operation. Our process for installing generating banks includes:


  • A layout of tubes prior to installation to verify proper tube length and bend angles.

  • Inspection of swage length in relation to drum thickness and a quality control hardness test.

  • Electronic measurement of tube sheet holes for wall reduction percentages.

  • Installation of patented swage clamps (from predetermined measurement) to prevent inner wall cracking.


Our Customers

From steam and mud drum replacement to complete generating bank installations, we’ve completed challenging projects in support of the best and brightest companies across multiple industries.  Successful generating bank installations include:


  • International Paper Company - Springfield, Oregon

  • Temple Inland - Orange, Texas

  • Smurfit Stone - Panama City, Florida

  • Hercules - Brunswick, Georgia


Contact us or call (877) 360-0858 if you have questions about installing, upgrading, or replacing your boiler generating bank.

Generating Banks


NBS reduces inefficiencies and costly downtime with successful economizer installations

National Boiler Services consistently executes successful boiler economizer installations using safe, cost-effective methods. Economizers improve boiler performance by increasing fuel efficiency and improving steam generation and response time.


We can guide you through the process of installing or retrofitting existing boiler systems with the latest innovations in platen-designed technology. Our expert boiler economizer and waste heat recovery system installations can reduce your overall fuel requirements, lower emissions, and ultimately reduce your boiler operating costs.


Our Process

For each project, NBS coordinates with internal and external resources to outline every phase of a boiler economizer installation, including scheduling, logistics, project execution, rigging, weld location, and weld quantity consideration. Our approach to successful boiler economizer and waste heat recovery systems installations includes:


  • Identifying optimal construction processes prior to project execution by engaging in constructability.

  • Reducing boiler downtime and field labor costs by modularizing critical economizer components prior to an outage.

  • Coordinating with engineering and site management to create a comprehensive rigging plan.

  • Implementing field-proven engineering methods and detailed CAD models.


Our Customers

Our experienced and quality people have replaced long flow economizers, serviced horizontal power boilers and installed newer platen-designed components while meeting or beating project and shutdown schedules.  Successful economizer and waste recovery system installations include:


  • Domtar - Plymouth, North Carolina

  • Georgia Pacific - Palatka, Florida

  • International Paper Company - Mansfield, Louisiana

  • Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation - West point, Virginia

  • Weyerhauser - Oglethorpe, Georgia


Contact us or call (877) 360-0858 if you have questions about installing, upgrading, or replacing your boiler economizer or waste heat recovery system.



Superheater installations backed by more than 300 years of combined expertise

Our proven experience in managing complete and partial superheater replacements allows us to install or modularize a superheater to regulate your boiler system and ensure optimal temperature ranges are maintained at all times.


At NBS, we work exclusively with some of the largest and most reliable superheater and boiler equipment suppliers in the industry. Our team can identify your project needs and assist with the procurement of essential superheater components prior to installation.


Our Process

Our qualified team of engineers and project managers understand the critical path in a boiler outage. NBS superheater installations come down to the right mix of safety, quality, and experience to ensure we are able to adapt and beat project schedules.  Our process for successful superheater installation includes:


  • Well-designed rigging plans utilizing state-of-the-art capabilities to achieve maximum safety and efficiency.

  • Preplanning process for constructability and modularization to achieve reductions in field labor and shorter outage spans.

  • Assistance with the fabrication and procurement process of essential superheater components.

  • Code-certified welding by a capable, well-trained workforce experienced in all carbon, chrome, stainless, and exotic materials, including newer-grade metal types such as modified-9 and p91.


Our Customers

From superheater replacement to component upgrades - including headers and cross-over piping - we’ve provided marked improvement in final steam temperature, minimized pressure loss, and assisted in analysis and prevention of superheater tube corrosion.  Successful superheater installations include:


  • Georgia Pacific - Palatka, Florida

  • International Paper Company - Ticonderoga, New York

  • International Paper Company - Eastover, South Carolina

  • Eastman - Kingsport, Tennessee


Contact us or call (877) 360-0858 if you have questions about installing, upgrading, or replacing your boiler superheater or superheater tubes.



Superior furnace panel inspection and service from your boiler shutdown contractor of choice

National Boiler Services executes expert installations for typical furnace panel and water wall replacements, including constructability and modularization of critical components. Our detailed preplanning process can also help you identify opportunities to minimize downtime during an outage.


NBS carefully considers rigging access, component fabrication, and weld positioning to ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness during panel replacement projects.


Our Process

For each project, NBS coordinates with internal and external resources to outline every phase of a furnace panel or water wall replacement project. Our approach to successful furnace panel replacement includes:


  • Identifying optimal construction processes prior to project execution by engaging in constructability.

  • Reducing cost of field labor and boiler downtime by modularizing critical components.

  • Coordinating with internal and external resources to create a rigging plan and proper layout of all furnace panels.

  • Utilizing field-proven engineering methods and detailed CAD models.


Our Customers

Our deeply-experienced team of safety-focused professionals have serviced furnace panels in both package and modularized boiler systems, from replacing front and rear water wall panels in recovery and power boilers to replacing partial sections and walls.  Successful furnace panel replacements include:


  • International Paper Company - Ticonderoga, New York

  • Temple Inland - Orange, Texas

  • Georgia Pacific - Palatka, Florida

  • Dominion Power Co. - Yorktown, Virginia


Contact us or call (877) 360-0858 if you have questions about installing, upgrading, or replacing your furnace panels.

Furnace Panels


Ensuring safe, efficient, and complete boiler combustion

National Boiler Service takes great pride in optimizing boiler burner systems to help you gain optimal combustion while ensuring safe and reliable operation.


From the careful inspection of proper air flow, fuel flow, and swirl level to optimizing your turndown rate, we work on essential burner and control components to achieve fuel efficient and complete combustion that meets your cost and emission standards.


Our Process

At NBS, we modify or retrofit existing burners and combustion equipment to improve safety and help you achieve optimal boiler performance.  The experienced field service team at NBS provides unique, cost-effective solutions, including:


  • Inspection & cleaning of ignitor and atomizer components.

  • Soot blowing your heat transfer surface at optimal frequency.

  • Minimizing air leakage and ensuring proper combustion at all boiler levels.

  • Retrofitting or upgrading burner, controls, and other essential combustion components to meet or exceed emission standards.

  • Replace feed tubes, diffuser, spin vanes, oil atomizer, regulating rods, and impellers.


Common Burner Types Serviced


  • Low and high-temperature natural gas burners

  • Low NOx burners

  • Oil-to-air and oil-to-oxygen burners

  • Coal-fired burners


Our Customers

Successful burner and combustion projects include:


  • Toroso - North Dakota (Refinery)

  • International Paper Company - Georgia (Pulp and Paper)

  • SSCC - Florida (Pulp and Paper)

  • Dominion - Virginia (Power Utility)


Contact us or call (877) 360-0858 if you have questions about installing, upgrading, or replacing your boiler burner.



NBS offers air heater upgrades and repairs to improve overall boiler efficiency

At National Boiler Service, we understand the vital importance of air heaters and air preheaters to overall boiler efficiency. We service tubular, regenerative, and ljungstrom-type air heaters and air heater baskets to ensure maximum thermal efficiency and reduction of heat loss.


We can upgrade or repair your existing boiler air heater to solve your toughest boiler operating performance problems. We also offer on-site modularization of key air heater components to significantly reduce field labor and shorten outage spans.


Our Process

NBS provides both tubular and regenerative boiler air heater inspections, upgrades, and repairs. Our extensive experience removing and replacing both air heaters and air heater baskets helps ensure your project's overall safety and reliability.  NBS air heater capabilities include:


  • Replacement of complete tubular air heater and sheets.

  • Installation of modularized tubular air heaters.

  • Inspection of tubular and regenerative air heaters and all essential components.

  • Repair tube damage and air heater leakage.

  • Replacement of complete rotating assembly for ljumpstrom types.

  • Parent tube replacement and partial section repair.

  • Installation of sleeves or metal inserts and couplings for partial tubes.


Our Customers

With more than 900,000 project hours logged annually, our team can perform cost-effective air heater service and related component repair to ensure efficient operation of your entire boiler system. Successful air heater upgrades and repairs include:


  • Eastman - Kingsport, Tennessee (Tubular)

  • International Paper Company  - Riegelwood, North Carolina  (Tubular)

  • International Paper Company  - Augusta, Georgia (Tubular)

  • SSCC - Coshoctan, Ohio (Tubular)

  • SSCC - Panama City, Florida (Tubular and Ljungstrom)

  • Progress Energy - Roxboro, North Carolina (Ljungstrom)


Contact us or call (877) 360-0858 if you have questions about installing, upgrading, or replacing your air heater.

Air Heaters


NBS provides safe, code certified pressure vessel repair and installation

Pressure vessel field repair services include installation, pressure testing, on-site stress relieving, weld heat treating, and pneumatic testing.  In addition to field services, NBS offers shop and field fabrication of boiler pressure parts to modify or upgrade existing boiler pressure components to meet custom specifications.


NBS is also code certified in compliance with ASME, NBIC, and National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, offering expert welding for a wide variety of materials such as carbon, chrome, stainless, & other exotic metals, including P91 materials.


Our Process

National Boiler Service conducts a comprehensive pressure vessel inspection process to ensure safe, quality service that considers all outage and shutdown implications. We also engage in constructability and dedicated preplanning to determine factors that may impact cost. NBS offers repair, replacement, and new installation of vital pressure and heat transfer equipment, including:


  • Boiler condenser, including cleaning tube descaling and expanding.

  • Dissolving tank, including liquor analysis; concentration, temperature, and flow control; online density measurement.

  • Smelt spout and hoods.

  • Feed water heater, including optimizing for maximum thermal efficiency.

  • Liquor heater, including retubing.

  • Field and shop fabrication of vital pressure parts.

  • Fabrication and assembly of pressure vessels including lethal service.


Our Customers

From recovery boiler maintenance outages to pressure vessel replacements and component repairs, we’ve helped our customers reduce operating costs by maximizing boiler efficiency.  Successful pressure vessel repair, replacement, and installations include:


  • International Paper Company - Springfield, Oregon

  • International Paper Company - Savannah, Georgia

  • SSCC - Panama City, Florida

  • Georgia Pacific - Pennington, Alabama

  • Eastman - Kingsport, Tennessee


Contact us or call (877) 360-0858 if you have questions about installing, upgrading, or replacing your pressure vessel.

Pressure Vessels


Full-service piping solutions, from startup and installation to cleaning and maintenance

National Boiler Service understands that every project has unique boiler piping needs. From piping installation to scheduled cleaning services, NBS can identify opportunities to maximize the efficiency of your unique piping configuration and operating environment to ensure piping compliance with the latest safety regulations and operation request.


NBS offers both in-house piping fabrication and third-party piping procurement to certify compatibility with a wide range of boiler systems. As a turnkey boiler piping contractor, NBS also provides expert installation of piping accessories such as fittings, valves, and thermal insulation.


Chemical Cleaning

Properly cleaned boiler piping can reduce overall operating costs and increase the life of your boiler equipment. NBS chemical cleaning includes:


  • On-site chemical cleaning to remove residual deposits of rust, mill-scale, or silica that can hinder flow and circulation.

  • Comprehensive chemical analysis prior to cleaning to identify the precise chemistry of chemical compounds for your specific piping.

  • Gentle scrubbing of interior piping without accelerating the risk of premature metal dissolution.


Steam Blow Piping

The tremendous amount of energy released by steam blow piping can prematurely damage boiler components or endanger boiler operators. NBS can help you mitigate these risks by helping you:


  • Improve the safety of your steam blow procedures.

  • Minimize damage to steam drums by identifying your optimal blowing temperature.

  • Reduce the number of steam blows necessary to achieve adequate removal of debris.

  • Determine optimal piping location and pressure ratios.


External & Non-External Boiler Piping

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers recently unveiled new standards for boiler process piping. NBS can help you ensure that any new or existing pipework meets the design, fabrication, installation, and testing standards outlined in ASME PG-58.​


Contact us or call (877) 360-0858 if you have questions about installing, upgrading, or replacing your boiler piping.

Code Piping
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